exploration of human works and digital life

Follow the Digital Notebook

Human Possibility is an initiative by Elena Hansen and SWIM Social. The research is social media centric, focusing on digital influence, our personal relationship with technology, and tools for self-directed development. The 2-year project scope includes a social media account, interview series, and short film.

installation by Isaac Julien

Contact us to support, collaborate or participate in Human Possibility.

Fill out the form or email: info@swimsocial.com

our portfolio

  • SWIM Social

    a social media studio specializing in the expression of brands and individuals

    visit the website


    a guest speaker program that connects modern leaders with the classroom

    visit the website

for your listening :)

Images on this website have been sourced for inspiration.

Credits include: Composer Hands [unknown], Circle [unknown], Alone in the Mist [Mikko Lagerstedt], Equations [unknown], What If [Six N. Five].